Technology forward as ever, they are are now using facial recognition glasses to spot criminals in China. At Zhengzhou East Railway Station, police are donning these dark black sunglasses in order to crack down on runaway criminals who try to flee on trains.
The glasses resemble sunglasses and are surprisingly lightweight. They have a camera attached to the right hand side which is connected to a handheld computerised device. The device scans a suspects photo and runs it through a national database of criminals.
Once a police officer snaps a pic of the unsuspecting criminal, their photo is then scanned and sent to a database where their information is compared with those on the wanted list.
“The facial information captured by the glasses will be sent back to a database for comparison with the information of suspects on the wanted list,”
Zhang Xiaolei, a local police official told the Global Times.
So far the operation has been largely successful. Once the initial photo is taken, the individual’s personal details such as name, ethnicity, gender and address are quickly accessed by the police officer on duty.
Facial recognition technology is being used in a more widespread fashion at the moment, for instance being able to use facial recognition to log in to your smartphone, gain access to private buildings such as workplaces and universities etc. The concern over privacy is a bit unnerving for some.
With China being notorious for their privacy laws, including no Google access in mainland China, this is a somewhat controversial matter.
Apparently you can even withdraw funds from your banks ATM using the facial recognition option!
If you happened to read my article on Human Microchipping, there seem to be a huge number of willing participants. I guess you can put these in a similar category, however I think I would prefer to use a facial recognition option over having a microchip inserted in my hand.
It is fun to play with new technology and I am all for it, not knocking it! I have just got the new Pocophone by Xiaomi (a Chinese brand) and it has the facial recognition option to unlock the phone. I am currently using the voice recognition but I only got it today so I will follow up with a full review so stay tuned for that if you’re interested. You can choose to unlock it with a shape either which is handy as it saves having to key in a password or use the fingerprint recognition. I had the fingerprint recognition on my iPhone but you can only use one hand and another annoying thing about that was every time the phone was off and had to be turned back on, you had to key in the password. Being a 6 digit one, that was a little inconvenience.
Bottom line is, we are enjoying the convenient features involved with the latest technologies such as paying with your phone rather than having to use your credit card or scanning our phones to board planes, cutting out the need for printed boarding passes and so on.
It seems as though as soon as we have one new and cleverer app or security feature, another more sophisticated and advanced option comes along!
The phone obsession is really becoming a bit of an issue for some though. China have had to incorporate Smartphone Pedestrian Lanes in order to combat smartphone zombies from slowing down foot traffic and causing accidents!
People are becoming more and more phone obsessed and it is kind of becoming the norm now. It is no longer seen as rude to be using your phone in company nowadays whereas years ago before the introduction of smartphones, it was considered the height of rudeness to use your phone in the company of others socially. Have a read of this article on “Phubbing” for a clearer picture.
So the question is, is technology taking over our lives to the point of destruction? Most of the major AI companies have had to assess the progression of their robots for fear of them becoming ‘too intelligent’. Read the article here.
Jobs are being replaced by computerised systems in some cases, where humans are no longer needed in order for companies to save money. There are pros and cons involved.
I do think the facial recognition is a great idea, it helps fight crime and save lives for sure. Criminals involved in kidnapping, hit and runs and other heinous crimes have been caught with the facial recognition glasses so I think it is a great asset.
What are your thoughts on the matter? Let me know in the comments.
Check out the latest technology in Glasses that Help Blind People See!
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